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With my thoughts, you will be able to know about me properly.
You have already known the goal of my life, I have come out to find and craft the true purpose of human life. I am doing my best to find people like myself and make their lives simple so that they too can spread the light of this knowledge, and properly perform all their obligations to their creator “nature”, That’s why I share everything with everyone that I learn.
I have seen mainly two types of people in the world –
First, who Just enjoys life
and others, living with the pursuit of knowledge
Enjoying life is your personal pleasure, but after receiving knowledge and sharing it with everyone is a work of benevolence. And due to such philanthropists, human civilization is developing. Every responsible citizen should live a balance between it and live.
मेरे विचारों से आप मेरे बारे में सही तरीके से जान पाएंगे |
मेरे जीवन के लक्ष्य को तो आपने जान ही लिया है, मैं निकला हूँ मानव जीवन के सही मकसद को तलाशने और तराशने के लिए | अपना हर संभव प्रयास कर रहा हूँ अपने जैसे लोगो को ढूंढने और उनके जीवन को सरल बनाने के लिए ताकि वो भी इस ज्ञान की रौशनी को फेलाते चले, और अपनी निर्माता “प्रकृति” के प्रति अपने सभी दायित्वों का सही तरीके से निर्वहन कर सके, इसीलिए मैं जो कुछ भी सीखता हूँ सभी के साथ साझा करता हूँ |
मैंने दुनिया में मुख्यतः दो प्रकार के लोग देखे है –
मात्र जीवन सुख भोगने वाले और दुसरे ज्ञान की खोज के साथ जीवन यापन करने वाले
जीवन आनंद आपका व्यक्तिगत सुख है, किन्तु ज्ञान की प्राप्ति कर सभी के साथ साझा करना परोपकार का काम है | और ऐसे ही परोपकारी लोगो की वजह से मानव सभ्यता विकासशील है | हर जिम्मेदार नागरिक को इसके बिच संतुलन बनाकर जीवन यापन करना चाहिए |

I work for a real & better world by improving the quality of Development. I am engaged in many kinds of Development work in association with my organizations, let me introduce some of them to you.

Before much understanding about society, I used to love sports and fitness during my personal life and wanted to give my services in this field. That’s why I started FTWEAR. Here we sell modern fitness-related products and disseminate knowledge related to physical activity. Its mission is to empower the Athlete and fit the world.
FinaltoucH Foundation
And when I was faced with the odd situations of the society, then I was very worried. After deep investigation, it was found that there is not only troubled people in society, but there is also no shortage of people to help them. If there is a deficiency somewhere, it is awareness and to connect these people. This felt the need for this organization.
From where I work with my friends to make this world better. You should know more about us.
FinaltoucH Publication
This is the stream of knowledge for development. If you also have any deep knowledge related to life or any such information which can help the society in any way,

then contact us.

C-MARK | Certified Mark
For the convenience of the society, we have made some scale for the quality of every product and information. In this Agency we do quality testing of products and information, to what extent it is correct. And take strong steps against such information which is misleading in society