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Real And Better World.

I am engaged with my team through various programs to realize our dream of a real and better world. For this, we have to improve the quality of development, and make every part of the world aware of its duty. The orthodox tradition will have to be considered once again, and those which are behind the times have to be changed. The left-behind part of the society will have to be brought together, making this world as safe and convenient as possible for everyone.

In the war of humanity, the evil I have dedicated my life to fighting is

Poverty, Illiteracy, Corruption, Orthodox Tradition, Communalism, lack of knowledge

The weapons that will win this battle are

Technology, Awareness, Democracy, Unity

People think, how would a man do something like this, but neither am I alone nor you
For this project, I am working with different organizations and working on different parts of society. Every conscious person can make this world better for everyone by taking half the burden of responsibility towards society.

Help me, we will build a better world